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Send Deacon Keith Your Prayer Requests

Praying Hands The Lord be with you! This is Deacon Keith, and I am asking for your prayer requests - especially during the difficult times each of us is facing.

Please click the link below to submit your prayer requests.

Why am I asking you?

Because we must unleash the most powerful force in the world - PRAYER. Let me explain in more detail.

Before calling the Apostles, Jesus spent the entire night in prayer. (Luke 6:12) In His Sacred humanity, Jesus shows us the pattern for our life.

Because you - like me - see the importance of our Catholic faith, YOU can participate in our mission to spread the Gospel to all nations.

Here is how you can: I am inviting you to be a "first responder" by sending your prayer request to me, thereby joining our worldwide movement of praying for one another.

Here is all you need to do: Click the link below and tell me what you'd like me to pray for you.

May God bless you,

Deacon Keith Fournier
Chaplain of YCVF and Dean of Catholic Online School
Deacon Keith Fournier

Let Us Pray

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters.
Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.


    EILEEN, 4/28/2022
  2. please continue a urgent prayer to stop redevelopment of my society aanik apartment and uprooting my home. certain members of the society have decided that the society is must be redeveloped which will involve bringing dwn building I and my mother celine are much aquished over thisplease a prayer to stop the redevelopment plan and throw these people ,plans in disarray to end themm

    Boniface, 4/28/2022
  3. please continue a prayer,, for curing my mom celine cured ,her health preserved as at sixteenplease a prayer,, for curing my mom celine cured ,her health preserved as at sixteen her memory also ability to think she is over seventy) including never thinking of her age

    Boniface, 4/28/2022
  4. Thank you Lord for successful surgery and being cancer free. Please let my sons doctor appointment also go well. Please let the doctor find him in good physical health. Amen

    Connie, 4/28/2022
  1. Please heal my son of his asthma, food allergies and hives. Make him him strong and healthy.

    Please bring my daughter some kind, true friends. Help her to share herself and be able to communicate and make friends and be happy.

    Prayer to the Blessed Virgin
    O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed Mother of the son of God. Immaculate Virgin assist me in my necessity. O Star of the sea, help and show me here, my Mother. O Holy Mary mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. (Make request) There are non that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times) Holy Mary place this prayer in your hands. (3 times) Say this prayer for three consecutive days and then publish it, and it will be granted to you. Many grateful thanks. H.H.S

    Harmony, 4/28/2022
  2. Prayers for my family’s wellbeing. For my wife to help with her depression. For direction on how I should serve you lord our god. For our marriage. For our beautiful 9-year-old granddaughter dealing with anger issues. For my grandson Andru who has lost his way in college. Prayers that he finds his way back through God our lord.

    Joe, 4/28/2022
  3. God has me do get more my many social security income in my future. Amen God has me in my future has me become a employee in stores is named rosary house and dollar tree and dollar general and Macy and I am a employee everyday more than six years. Amen God has cure in my body into my bones in my knees, shoulders, wrists, neck, hands, fingers, elbows. Amen God has excellent best enjoyable healthiness in my body today and everyday more than fifteen years has me into my future are walking, exercises, drives automobiles, runs, and works many full time hours every week more than fifteen years.Amen God has my income increases into my future. Amen God has me savings my money every month more than fifteen years in my savings account only for me in bank named Chase and God has balance my money in bank chase in my future in year 2032 totals more than $60,000.00 in bank Chase in my savings account. Amen God has me in my future do rent with many people is many types blessed houses are hotels and condominiums and apartments and I uses my houses I rent with many people everyday more than fifteen years and all our houses we uses is blessed, clean, excellent, and pretty. Amen God has me in my future drives many automobiles. Amen God has me in my future uses a dentist extractions my every many teeth in my bottom gums in my mouth and i uses my dentures. Amen God has me in my future do uses my many clothes, shoes, and other products in stores are walmart, clearance goodwill, the arc store, goodwill, salvation army,, macy, and family dollar. Amen God has me in my future in a pageantry. Amen God has me in my future are I am pretty beautiful woman are I am a bride in my royal weding in mass in a church uses cake and wine beverages and grape juice beverages and I eat meal uses my money in dine in restaurant named Golden Wok and I uses hotel. Amen God has me and my children and my grandchildren attend and participate in a mass every sunday every week more than six years includes we uses many tourist attractions includes restaurants. Amen God has me into my future uses more many are crowns, dresses, gold, jewelry, watches, furniture, prosperity, fun, celebrations, praying, prayers, protected, freedom, best, partying, gifts, enjoyable, wisdom, mass, rosary, friendships, peace, quiet, beautiful, beauty, pretty, excellent, prettiness, library, parks, games, music, movies, entertainment, dances, phones, computers, songs, formal, dieting, diet beverages, diet energy stacker medicines, vitamins, ice creams, salads, potatoes, soups, water beverages, treasures, leisure, flowers, ribbons, clean, glasses, hats, coats, formal long new many weding dresses, anniversary, blessings. Amen God has my hair grows and my hair becomes more than 4 feet and my hair is more than 4 feet everyday more than ten years into my future.Amen God has me are a student in school in my future after year 2032. Amen. God has me in my future into twenty years did my better best enjoyable in all I did all many days more than twenty years made better best enjoyable from God. Amen God has me into my future prays rosary everyday more than six years. Amen God has me into my future prays many prayers in books titled Pieta everyday more than ten years, Amen God has me into my future do uses mass every Sunday more than fifteen years. Amen God has are my names kelly patrice labbe and kelly boutte. Amen God has me into my future uses a loan year 2030 has me purchases my blessed house is excellent, pretty, luxurious house are I uses everyday more than ten years.Amen God likes me everyday all my life. Amen God likes I belong to God everyday all my life. Amen God has me did Gods every commandments, laws, statutes, freedom, purity, love, peace, happiness, best, enjoyable, superior, perfect, holy in all I did in all many days all everyday before today and today and everyday after today made better best enjoyable from God. Amen God better best enjoyable made me are I am beautiful pretty woman are always forever are I am every many better best enjoyable superior purity perfect holy I am always forever in all many days in all everyday all my life made better best enjoyable from God. Amen God has me in my future uses my loan has me uses my new car and I drives my new car. Amen God has me into my future uses my happy vacation. Amen God has me into my future on April 27 2046 are i am living, pretty, beautiful, walking, driving, working, and my hair 4 feet length, and has excellent best enjoyable healthiness in my slim body, and i uses my pretty excellent luxurious blessed house.Amen God has me in my future uses my many more parades, festivals, restaurants, casinos, games, parks, movie theaters, many tourist attractions, fun, holiday fun, happy birthday partying, many quincenearas, concerts, museums, partying. Amen God has me uses many fruits, and many vegetables in my future. Amen

    Kelly, 4/28/2022
  4. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed mother of the son of God, immaculate virgin assist me in my necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me herein that you are my mother. O Holy Mary mother of God, queen of heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, joy, very good health, comfort, longevity, prosperity, very good food and water, faith, hope, patience, perseverance,safety, success at work, in family, and in life, courage, and diligence and free from evil, trouble, quarrels, fights, harm, illness, sin and suffering. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary I place this cause into your hands. (3 times)

    "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints"
    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me the best life ever filled with love, mercy, peace, hope, health, success, safety, prosperity, fun, laughter, longevity, comfort, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, and suffering. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, joy health, and safety and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, and suffering. Please let this year be the most beautiful, wonderful, and best year ever and let the coming days after it keep getting better and let me go to heaven after living the best life ever and let all the words spoken about me be good and uplifting and that everyone loves me and treats me with respect and kindness. Saint Mary pray for us. Saint Joseph pray for us. Saint Christopher keep us safe. Saint John of God keep us in very good health. Saint Cajetan keep us very fortunate. Saint Paul protect us from persecution. Saint Umberta Galgani keep our family happy. Saint Ambrose and Saint Valentine let me succeed in beekeeping and gardening. St Anthony pray that we live the best life ever and stay safe and healthy all our lives and that we be faithful to Jesus Christ all our lives.
    Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favors. This time I ask you for this very special one to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, health, prosperity, safety, healing, courage, happiness, comfort, longevity, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, sin, and suffering and to continue my eternal life in heaven. Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favor, not mine. Amen.

    Mounir, 4/28/2022
  5. Dear Lord : I pray and ask for forgiveness for viewing porn, lust, and masturbation. I pray for renewal of soul and spirit. I pray my job is safe and i am able to continue to prosper and do well for my family and for my career. I pray for my brothers and sisters and for an end to anxiety and stress and worry. Jesus is Lord! Lord hear our prayers! Amen!

    Steve, 4/27/2022
  6. Nancy is a 79 year old with lung problems that has just been positive for Covid. She is very sick. Lord please send the healing power of your Holy Spirit through her body and drive out the imfection and fill those spaces with your Spirit. Amen

    Nancy, 4/27/2022
  7. 58 year old , Blaine, with cancer that has spread , heading for his first visit at the treatment hospital.

    David stage 4 colon cancer

    Jan, 4/27/2022
  8. Mercy on bills and financial guidance.
    Mercy for strength to cont8nue working and peace and blessings on those i serve

    Mercy on new aya neo
    Mercy on travels and safety
    Mercy on car and repairs


    Jerrell, 4/27/2022
  9. Dear Lord : I pray and ask for forgiveness for viewing porn, lust, and masturbation. I pray for renewal of soul and spirit. I pray my job is safe and I am able to continue to prosper and do well for my family and for my career. I pray for my brothers and sisters and for an end to stress, anxiety, and worry. Jesus is Lord! Lord hear our prayers! Amen!

    Steve, 4/27/2022
  10. Dear Deacon Keith, kindly please pray that Raajiv has the energy, motivation and positive environment to be able to pray. Thank you.

    Raajiv Prasad, 4/27/2022
  11. Healing for my son luismiguel Diaz Henriquez Who suffers cerebral palsy

    Nancy, 4/27/2022
  1. Prayers for my family’s wellbeing. For my wife to help with her depression. For direction on how I should serve you lord our god. For our marriage. For our beautiful 9-year-old granddaughter dealing with anger issues. For my grandson Andru who has lost his way in college. Prayers that he finds his way back through God our lord.

    Joe, 4/27/2022
  2. This is a prayer request about hearing God's voice and knowing God's will. In 2015-2016, I was in a serious season of prayer those years and I believe that God showed me my future husband because I asked God to show me. I need to know if that was the Lord showing me, my imagination, satan, or something else that showed me the man. I know what the man looks like. Is that man my spouse? What is his name? Where is he? How do I know it was God speaking to me?

    Ms. Brown, 4/27/2022
  3. To gifted with talent of music and become famous and rich and help the needing

    Paul, 4/27/2022
  4. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed mother of the son of God, immaculate virgin assist me in my necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me herein that you are my mother. O Holy Mary mother of God, queen of heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, joy, very good health, comfort, longevity, prosperity, very good food and water, faith, hope, patience, perseverance,safety, success at work, in family, and in life, courage, and diligence and free from evil, trouble, quarrels, fights, harm, illness, sin and suffering. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary I place this cause into your hands. (3 times)

    "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints"
    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me the best life ever filled with love, mercy, peace, hope, health, success, safety, prosperity, fun, laughter, longevity, comfort, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, and suffering. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, joy health, and safety and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, and suffering. Please let this year be the most beautiful, wonderful, and best year ever and let the coming days after it keep getting better and let me go to heaven after living the best life ever and let all the words spoken about me be good and uplifting and that everyone loves me and treats me with respect and kindness. Saint Mary pray for us. Saint Joseph pray for us. Saint Christopher keep us safe. Saint John of God keep us in very good health. Saint Cajetan keep us very fortunate. Saint Paul protect us from persecution. Saint Umberta Galgani keep our family happy. Saint Ambrose and Saint Valentine let me succeed in beekeeping and gardening. St Anthony pray that we live the best life ever and stay safe and healthy all our lives and that we be faithful to Jesus Christ all our lives.
    Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favors. This time I ask you for this very special one to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, health, prosperity, safety, healing, courage, happiness, comfort, longevity, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, sin, and suffering and to continue my eternal life in heaven. Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favor, not mine. Amen.

    Mounir, 4/27/2022
  5. For the conversion of Leduan Diaz Oliver, Barbarita María Herrera, Diana Cardona,
    Evaleen Quiñones .Amen

    For the healing, protection,bendition and reunification of Arya Marie Oliver, Mayra Victoria Oliver, Yhosvany Oliver and Daysi Baez. Amen

    Daysi, 4/27/2022
  6. Dear Lord : I pray and ask for forgiveness for viewing porn, lust, and masturbation. I pray for renewal of spirit and soul. I pray my job is safe and I am able to continue to prosper and do well for my family and for my career. I pray for my brothers and sisters and for an end to stress, anxiety, and worry. Jesus is Lord! Lord hear our prayers! Amen!

    Steve, 4/26/2022
  7. Thank you Lord for having a successful surgery. Please dear Jesus I am praying that no cancer was found during my surgery. Thank you for being by my side and please forgive me for my sins. AMEN

    Connie, 4/26/2022
  8. For a blessed work shift, for mental health, for restoration of e.b situation, for Beto’s health and recovery, for my parents health, for my loved ones, for Father Israel and for peace in Ukraine, God bless

    Junior , 4/26/2022
  9. Please pray Dominic will walk again unaided has been on 2 crutches nearly 8 yrs. please pray for Gillian that she will overcome all her fears phobias and anxieties. That she will get peace of mind. Please pray for Sandra, that her chemo therapy will be a success and she will be cancer free.Amen

    Gillian, 4/26/2022
  10. My mom (Mary) age is 56, have undergone mouth cancer surgery before 4yrs, now recently when we tested they found she have similar patches in mouth, so they have done biopsy, will get result in a week time, please pray for her. It shouldn't be cancer. God should cure her completely. In case if it has to operated, please pray that it should be successful.

    Anitha, 4/26/2022
  11. Prayers for my family’s wellbeing. For my wife to help with her depression. For direction on how I should serve you lord our god. For our marriage. For our beautiful 9-year-old granddaughter dealing with anger issues. For my grandson Andru who has lost his way in college. Prayers that he finds his way back through God our lord.

    Joe, 4/26/2022
  12. Dear Lord, please help me today when I go for an interview, ease my anxiety help me remember all thay I have learnt and know and help me adequately answer all questions asked, please Lord help me get this job so that I can progress in life and be in a better position to improve me and my family's life as well as be able to help those in need, please Lord also hear the good prayers of our brothers and sisters you have also posted their prayers, amen.

    Fortunate, 4/26/2022
  13. Please pray for the healing of J.T. Thank you and God Bless.

    Juliet, 4/26/2022
  14. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed mother of the son of God, immaculate virgin assist me in my necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me herein that you are my mother. O Holy Mary mother of God, queen of heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, joy, very good health, comfort, longevity, prosperity, very good food and water, faith, hope, patience, perseverance,safety, success at work, in family, and in life, courage, and diligence and free from evil, trouble, quarrels, fights, harm, illness, sin and suffering. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary I place this cause into your hands. (3 times)

    "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints"
    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me the best life ever filled with love, mercy, peace, hope, health, success, safety, prosperity, fun, laughter, longevity, comfort, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, and suffering. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, joy health, and safety and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, and suffering. Please let this year be the most beautiful, wonderful, and best year ever and let the coming days after it keep getting better and let me go to heaven after living the best life ever and let all the words spoken about me be good and uplifting and that everyone loves me and treats me with respect and kindness. Saint Mary pray for us. Saint Joseph pray for us. Saint Christopher keep us safe. Saint John of God keep us in very good health. Saint Cajetan keep us very fortunate. Saint Paul protect us from persecution. Saint Umberta Galgani keep our family happy. Saint Ambrose and Saint Valentine let me succeed in beekeeping and gardening. St Anthony pray that we live the best life ever and stay safe and healthy all our lives and that we be faithful to Jesus Christ all our lives.
    Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favors. This time I ask you for this very special one to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, health, prosperity, safety, healing, courage, happiness, comfort, longevity, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, sin, and suffering and to continue my eternal life in heaven. Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favor, not mine. Amen.

    Mounir, 4/26/2022
  15. Dear Lord: I pray and ask for forgiveness for viewing porn and lust. I pray for renewal of spirit and soul. I pray my job is safe and I continue to prosper and do well for my family and for my career. I pray for my brothers and sisters and for an end to stress and anxiety and paranoia and worry. Jesus is Lord! Lord hear our prayers! Amen!

    Steven, 4/26/2022
  1. I ask for prayers for my husband that he remember his marriage vows and rebuke the temptation he is facing. I have become increasingly depressed and feel great despair. I ask for prayers for our family.

    Felicity, 4/25/2022
  2. I am requesting your prayers asking that the Lord will move me into a job that will promote me to a higher pay level, one that I will be compassionate about and truly enjoy doing. I pray that the transition will be quick with no problems or delays from either my current company or my future company.

    Annette, 4/25/2022
  3. Hello I’m asking for prayers for my brother Kem Mora. He has to do a colonoscopy on Thursday 28th April. I am praying that he will be ok and that they will nothing that is life threatening.
    Thank you .

    Merlicia, 4/25/2022
  4. Please heal our daughter of cancer, bring back our little granddaughter to us. Bring peace to our family and keep us all physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy. Please stop the cancer in our sister in law also. In Jesus name , Amen

    Dawn, 4/25/2022
  5. god please dont let what bonb chapman told james about brian be true.
    please allow us to stay in this house for as long as we need to ESP now with inflation, housing crices and all our pets and money issues.
    we appreciate this home and are happy to have it
    please never let brian come back, please dont elt us get evicted from this house please allow us to stay here, save money and keep our pets.

    shauna, 4/25/2022
  6. Please pray that our Lord watch over, protect and help my wife, Barbara, and myself, Stephen, with identity theft, medical insurance and exams, forgiveness, automobile, falling, dentists, home, income taxes, peace, dysphoria and prescriptions. Thank you.

    Stephen, 4/25/2022
  7. Lord, I humbly pray these my special intentions. I pray for my family's health. I pray for my mother's total healing. I pray that the tumor will not grow and recur. I pray for my sister's operation. I pray that it will become successful and she recovers as soon as possible. I pray for my father's health. Give him a strong mind and body, Lord God. Guide her and her doctors before, during and after the operation. I pray, Lord God that You grant us good health and more fruitful lives to come. Guide and protect us always from all dangers and works of evil. Continue to bless our family Lord God. Embrace us always with Your love. Heal all of our wounds, illnesses, diseases, burdens. Comfort us always, Lord God. We surrender all of our worries and fears to You. Grant all the desires of our hearts. Thy will be done! In Jesus' Name, AMEN!

    Rence, 4/25/2022
  8. Please pray for my mom today she is having surgery to remove part of her colon. Thank you & God bless.

    Angie, 4/25/2022
  9. Prayers for my family’s wellbeing. For my wife to help with her depression. For direction on how I should serve you lord our god. For our marriage. For our beautiful 9-year-old granddaughter dealing with anger issues. For my grandson Andru who has lost his way in college. Prayers that he finds his way back through God our lord.

    Joe, 4/25/2022
  10. I kindly ask you to pray for our brothers and sisters, the animals, who are being tortured and killed by the billions every year for the sake of human greed and gluttony.

    Sabina, 4/25/2022
  11. Dear Lord, please be with me tomorrow when I go for my interview, ease my anxiety help me answer all questions asked to me by the panel, help me do well enough to get the job you know how badly I need it. Lord please hear my prayer, amen.

    Fortunate, 4/25/2022
  12. Please pray that I may be ordained a Deacon this year after missing out last year due to done false allegation. That the will of God he realized.

    Stephen, 4/25/2022
  13. Please pray for me to have the best year of my life this year and that the coming years keep getting better and better until I reach heaven after a very long, beautiful, and happy life on earth in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Holy Mary please pray for me. St. Joseph please pray for me.

    Mounir, 4/25/2022
  14. Thank you Lord for letting my surgery go well. Please Lord I pray to you that no cancer is found. AMEN

    Connie, 4/25/2022
  15. O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of heaven, blessed mother of the son of God, immaculate virgin assist me in my necessity. O star of the sea help me and show me herein that you are my mother. O Holy Mary mother of God, queen of heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, joy, very good health, comfort, longevity, prosperity, very good food and water, faith, hope, patience, perseverance,safety, success at work, in family, and in life, courage, and diligence and free from evil, trouble, quarrels, fights, harm, illness, sin and suffering. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times). Holy Mary I place this cause into your hands. (3 times)

    "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints"
    O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me the best life ever filled with love, mercy, peace, hope, health, success, safety, prosperity, fun, laughter, longevity, comfort, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, and suffering. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, joy health, and safety and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, and suffering. Please let this year be the most beautiful, wonderful, and best year ever and let the coming days after it keep getting better and let me go to heaven after living the best life ever and let all the words spoken about me be good and uplifting and that everyone loves me and treats me with respect and kindness. Saint Mary pray for us. Saint Joseph pray for us. Saint Christopher keep us safe. Saint John of God keep us in very good health. Saint Cajetan keep us very fortunate. Saint Paul protect us from persecution. Saint Umberta Galgani keep our family happy. Saint Ambrose and Saint Valentine let me succeed in beekeeping and gardening. St Anthony pray that we live the best life ever and stay safe and healthy all our lives and that we be faithful to Jesus Christ all our lives.
    Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favors. This time I ask you for this very special one to live the best life ever filled with love, peace, hope, health, prosperity, safety, healing, courage, happiness, comfort, longevity, and joy and free from evil, trouble, harm, illness, sin, and suffering and to continue my eternal life in heaven. Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes, it will become your favor, not mine. Amen.

    Mounir, 4/25/2022
  1. I have NO friends here in this stupid 55+ sun city ctr, fl. community, very hostile to single people, No one here really cares , no one here to talk to! Please for prayers to move out of this horrible, uncaring place and move to a much kinder, caring place. and also for prayers to heal my wonderful relative for a cure soon from alzheimers!

    H., 4/25/2022
  2. That I secure a child life internship May 3rd or May 5th!

    Julia, 4/25/2022
  3. Please pray that Nyles and Becky restoration in relationship. May it be strengthened and God takes hold of Nyles's heart towards her. Nyles needs salvation. He claims to be an atheist.

    Becky, 4/24/2022
  4. God, our Father, I turn to you seeking your divine help and guidance as I look for suitable employment. I need your wisdom to guide my footsteps along the right path, and to lead me to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. I wish to use the gifts and talents you have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment. Do not abandon me, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant me this favor I seek so that I may return to you with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance. Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

    Stephen, 4/24/2022

    ALISON, 4/24/2022

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